Frequently Asked Questions – VI Bubblesports
What are Bubblesports?
Bubble soccer is the recreation or sport of playing soccer with traditional rules while encased in a giant bubble from the knees up. The main difference is that you are encouraged to knock down other players to the ground while playing, all while remaining safe and sound in your bubble.
How safe are Bubblesports?
Bubblesports is as safe as any other team sport, perhaps even safer due to the fact that the entire time you’re in play, you’re wearing a large, air-filled protective suit. Injuries are extremely rare when everyone plays by the rules. VI Bubblesports will go over the rules with your group before game time to ensure everyone plays fair and the risk of injury stays low. The Bubbles are made of high-quality, tough materials and are regularly inspected, cleaned, and cared for.
Are they comfortable to wear and easy to use?
Extremely! The bubbles absorb impact and are comfortable and easy to use. Users simply slide the bubble over their head, adjust the straps, and then grab the handles.They are ready to go! Inside, each bubble is equipped with safety straps and handles, and above the head there is enough distance between the player’s head and the opening of the bubble, which guarantees safety while rolling.
If playing Bubblesports is safe, what’s with the waiver of risk required from participants?
The waiver is a precaution small businesses need to have in place to provide their services. It is similar to the waiver you sign to obtain a gym membership.
How fit do I need to be to play Bubble Soccer?
We recommend that you have a reasonable level of fitness to be able to get the most out of the game and handle opponents bumping into you, and occasionally being knocked over (all in the name of fun!). There is some running involved, but not so much that you have to be a star athlete to enjoy yourself.
Do you need to know the rules of regular soccer to play Bubble Soccer?
Nope! Your only objective is to have fun while trying to get the ball in your opponent’s goal. All other rules are safety rules, which we will go over with you, but for starters: no bumping into someone from behind who can’t see you coming. Also, please don’t bump into objects other than other bubbles.
How will I know who is on my team if we’re all wearing the same thing?
We thought of that, too, which is why our Bubbles are coloured – 5 red and 5 blue balls make team sports easy to pull off.
Who can participate?
Almost anyone can play Bubblesports, but there is a height limitation due to the standard, one-size-fits-all Bubbles. Our adult-sized balls are designed for players who are between 5′ and 6’6”. Shorter people can play, but they will have a harder time navigating on the field – so go easy on them! The bubbles all have adjustable shoulder straps so that they can be custom-fit for players of various heights and statures.
So, both guys and girls can both play?
Yes! In fact, the bubbles are sure to level the playing field between men and women, as everyone will be just as easy to knock over as anyone else.
How about kids?
At this time, VI Bubblesports only offers adult-sized equipment.
Where is the best place to play Bubblesports on Vancouver Island?
VI Bubblesports is best played outdoors on a large, open, grass or turf field, somewhere nice and dry. There are many places on Vancouver Island that we can recommend, starting with city parks and school playgrounds. As a safety precaution for players and our equipment, Bubblesports should not be played in rainy conditions or muddy conditions. Some parks and fields on Vancouver Island require a permit, reservation, or fee for organized or team activities. It is your responsibility to take these necessary steps.
Where on Vancouver Island are your services available?
VI Bubblesports is a completely mobile company. We come to you! We serve the central Vancouver Island region, from Parksville to Duncan. We can accommodate groups beyond this region provided our travel expenses are covered.
Can we play indoors instead?
It’s possible, but please check with us first. We have found that indoor facilities often have too many sharp objects that can burst our bubbles.
What is your cancellation policy?
VI Bubblesports takes reservations and online bookings for events months in advance. We collect a small deposit at the time of booking and at this time do not offer refunds for cancelled outdoor events.
What type of clothing do people wear while playing Bubble Soccer?
As you would during a regular soccer game, during a game of Bubble Soccer, you will be burning a ton of energy. We recommend wearing gym attire – something comfortable and suitable for sweating in.
Other options to consider:
- Knee pads and/or shin guards are recommended for indoor play.
- Gloves can help you get a better grip on the handles
- Full-sleeve T-shirts are recommended so the shoulder straps are more comfortable.
- Athletic footwear suitable for grass field game play.
- Please no sharp belts or jewelry inside or outside the bubbles.
- We don’t recommend game play while wearing expensive activity trackers or while carrying your phone.
How many people do I need for a game?
VI Bubblesports can facilitate groups of up to 10 people on the field at a time. We have found this to be an ideal number of players to keep the game exciting. We also encourage more than 10 people to show up so everyone can take turns wearing the bubbles. This makes sure no one gets too tired too quickly, and also means someone is always available to take pictures and post videos of the action!
Can our group bring alcohol to a Bubblesport event?
No, alcohol use and Bubblesports do not mix! Anyone found drinking alcohol during game play will be asked to sit out. This policy is in place regardless of venue (city property vs. private residence, for instance).
Do you have public liability insurance?
Yes, VI Bubblesports has public liability coverage. Your venue may also ask for additional coverage, which your group will be required to cover. The price is often in the $25 range.
What do I get when I book with VI Bubblesports?
When you book VI Bubblesports, you will receive:
- 10 Bubbles
- 2 Goal Posts
- 1 Soccer Ball
- Field Markings
- Game Demonstration and Instructions
- A VI Bubblesports employee on site for the duration of your rental period to make sure your game goes smoothly
How much does it cost?
We book a minimum of two-hour sessions. For full details on our pricing and our packages, click here.
I’m ready to book! Now what?
Head over to our online booking page to submit your inquiry.
Thank you for your interest in Bubblesports, now available on Vancouver Island!